
TPW would not exist if not for the wealth of mostly unorganized information out there. That's why it needs collaborators! You are welcome to contribute your knowledge, correct mistakes, and supply new sources and references.

TPW is not a wiki however, though. While anyone can contribute, there's a process to it. You should have basic knowledge of using GitHub, and the fork and pull-request based workflow. Github has an useful introduction, and there are many other resources online.

If you don't want, or cannot do that, you can also open issues in the issue tracker, flagging problems or supplying extra information to a page. This still requires a GitHub account, but nothing more than an internet browser to do.

On each page, you'll find a link in the footer that will directly create an issue for this page. Use it to spot errors, send us corrections and new facts. Feel free to submit info in whatever language you prefer - English is not mandatory. When your contribution is accepted, you will be added to the page authors!